Rasmuson Foundation and The Alaska Community Foundation have generously pledged up to $185,000 in matching …
2016 Winter Newsletter
The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation awarded a grant of $1200 to the Alaska Arts Confluence …
Over $13,000 is available for grant awards this year through the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation Endowment Fund! Additionally, there is a $500 grant award available through Chilkat Valley Community Foundation's Environmental Fund for projects that
The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation awarded the Dolphin Swim Team a grant of $2,000 in 2015 to help support youth swimming in Haines.
Chilkat Valley Community Foundation recently awarded the Haines Senior Center a $2500 grant.
2016 Spring Newsletter
The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation recently awarded a $500 grant to the American Bald Eagle Foundation, to help complete a mews expansion to allow better viewing of the birds.
You can still Pick.Click.Give. to the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation! Add or change a Pick.Click.Give. contribution by editing your Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend application here. The deadline to add or edit a PCG contribution is